T. Salles, 2017. Responses of reefs to climatic forcing – A numerical perspective, Centre for Coral Reef Studies, USyd.
T. Salles, N. Flament, D. Muller, P. Rey, 2017. Influence of dynamic topography on the evolution of the Australian landscape since the Late Jurassic, Workshop in High Performance Computing, EAGE IFP Paris. T. Salles, N. Flament, D. Muller, 2017. 150 Million years of landscape evolution of eastern Australian continent, European Geophysical Union General Assembly Vienna, Austria.
X. Ding, T. Salles, N. Flament, P. Rey, 2017. Influence of dynamic topography on landscape evolution and passive continental margin stratigraphy, European Geophysical Union General Assembly Vienna, Austria.
T. Salles, 2016. Regional to continental scale model of Earth surface evolution, Seminar - Granular Forum, USyd.
T. Salles, 2016. Update on Badlands development & applications, Basin Genesis Hub meeting, Melbourne.
X. Ding, T. Salles, N. Flament, P. Rey, 2016. Impact of dynamic topography on stratigraphic evolution, Basin Genesis Hub meeting, Melbourne.
T. Salles, N. Flament, D. Muller, 2016. Influence of dynamic topography on the evolution of the Australian landscape since the Late Jurassic, Australian Earth Science Convention.
V. Bianchi, T. Smith, T. Salles, J. Esterle, 2016. Coupling dynamic topography with Stratigraphic Forward Modelling: case study Springbok Sandstone, Australian Earth Science Convention.
D. Muller, N. Flament, T. Salles, K. Matthews, M. Gurnis, 2016. The eastern Australian record of continental travel, dynamic topography and landscape evolution since Pangaea breakup, Australian Earth Science Convention.
T. Salles, 2016. Continental-Scale Landscape Dynamic, University of Bergen, Norway
T. Salles, N. Flament, D. Muller, 2016. Influence of dynamic topography on the evolution of the Australian landscape since the Late Jurassic, American Geophysical Union.
X. Ding, T. Salles, N. Flament, P. Rey, 2016. Modeling passive margins stratigraphy from the in- terplay between sea-level change, thermal subsidence, precipitation and dynamic topography, American Geophysical Union.
S. Moron, S. Gallagher, L. Moresi, T. Salles, P. Rey, T. Payenberg, 2016. Investigating the effect of plate-mantle interaction in basin creation and associated drainage systems: insights from the North West Shelf of Australia, American Geophysical Union.
Müller D, T. Salles, N. Flament, M. Gurnis, 2015. Continental inter-superswell travel and landscape evolution – GeoBerlin, Germany, 2015.
Bianchi V., T. Salles, 2015. Stratigraphic Forward Modelling on reservoir geometry of the Springbok Formation (Late Jurassic) – Bowen Basin Symposium and Beyond October 2015 (Brisbane)
Müller D, N. Flament, K. Matthews, S. Williams, M. Gurnis, T. Salles, 2015. How Australian Plate Interaction With Subducting Slabs and the South Pacific Superswell Drove Multi-Phase Uplift and Paleogeography in Eastern Australia – ICE-SEG AAPG, Melbourne, Australia, September 2015.
Bianchi V., T. Salles, J. Esterle, 2015. Stratigraphic Forward Modelling for investigating hidden reservoir geometries and connectivity: Springbok Formation – ICE-SEG AAPG, Melbourne, Australia, September 2015.
Flament N., T. Salles, R.D. Müller, M. Gurnis, 2015. Influence of subduction history and surface processes on continental-scale topography – XIV International Workshop on Modelling of Mantle and Lithosphere Dynamics, Ausgust 2015 (France)
Bianchi V., J. Esterle, T. Salles, 2015. Stratigraphic Forward Modelling on reservoir geometry of the Springbok Formation (Middle Jurassic): prediction on the unexplored depocenter of Surat Basin (QLD, Australia) – IAS June 2015 Krakow (Poland)
Bianchi V., T. Salles, 2015. Hidden geometry in Surat Basin depocenter: Springbok Formation – AAPG Geosciences Technology Workshop (GTW) entitled: Opportunities and Advancements in Coal Bed Methane in the Asia Pacific - January 2015 (Brisbane)
Müller D, P. Rey, L. Moresi, L. Mondy, G. Duclaux, T. Salles, T. Rawling, C. Elders, 2014. Next generation modelling of rift basins and continental margins – Australian Earth Science Convention, Newcastle, Australia, July 2014.
Mondy L., P. Rey, G. Duclaux, T. Salles, L. Moresi, 2014. A digital workbench for understanding the stratigraphic evolution of rift basins and continental margins – Australian Earth Science Convention, Newcastle, Australia, July 2014.
Upton, P., G. Duclaux, D. Craw, T. Salles, 2013. Reconstructing the formation and in-filling of Lake Manuherikia, Otago: Linking geodynamics and surface processes – AGU Fall meeting 2013, San Francisco, USA, December 2013.
Mondy L., Duclaux G., Salles T., Thomas C., Rey P., 2013. Modelling stratigraphic and surface dynamics processes on a coupled thermo-mechanical lithospheric model: an example in oblique continental rifting. IAG Paris.
Bianchi, V., T. Salles, G. Duclaux, M. Ghinassi, 2013. Reconstruction of a syn-depositional cross-valley faulting through numerical modelling: the Plio-Pleistocene Ambra paleovalley (North Apennines, Italy) – GeoSed, Roma, Italy, September 2013.
Bianchi V., Salles T., Duclaux G.„ Ghinassi M., 2013. Evolution of syn-depositional cross-valley faulting: numerical reconstruction of the Plio-Pleistocene Ambra paleovalley (Northern Apennines, Italy). IAS, Manchester, UK, September 2013..
Mondy L., Duclaux G., Salles T., Thomas C., Rey P., 2013. Stratigraphic Modelling of Continental Rifting. EGU 2013, Vienna, Austria, May 2013.
Bourget J., Salles T., Ainsworth B., Duclaux G., 2013. Quantifying the importance of sediment supply, global eustasy and fault-induced accommodation in controlling delta architecture, shelf-margin growth and deep-water sediment transfer: insights from stratigraphic-forward modelling in northern Australia.. AAPG Annual Convention Denver.
Duclaux G., Salles T., 2013. Four-Dimensional Detrital Iron Ore Deposit Exploration Using Surface Processes Modelling - Hamersley Province Example.. Iron Ore conference Perth.
Salles T., Duclaux G., 2012. 3D stratigraphic and geomorphic modelling from source to sink, 34th IGC, Brisbane.
Duclaux G., Salles T., 2012. Placer deposits: where should we look next? Surface Processes Modelling applied to mineral exploration, 34th IGC, Brisbane.
Salles T., Duclaux G., 2012. Next generation of 3D stratigraphic and geomorphic modelling, EGU, Vienna.
Salles T., Duclaux G., Mansour J., Rey P., Moresi L., 2012. Testing basin-scale evolution concepts on a supercomputer at realistic tectonic and sedimentary rates, EGU, Vienna.
Miranda J., Eid R., McLean M., Griffiths C., Dyt C., Salles T., O’Brien G., Tingate P., Divko L. G., Campi M., 2012. Gippsland basin stratigraphic and CO2 migration modelling: workflows for building regional, geological carbon storage (GCS) reservoir models, Eastern Australian Basins Symposium IV, Brisbane.
Griffiths C., Dyt C., Huang X., Salles T., 2012. Multiscalar Forward modelling of carbonate heterogeneity, AAPG/SPE/SEG Hedberg Conference France.
Duclaux, G., Salles T., Rey P., 2011. Numerical modelling of tectonic and surface processes: insights into continental rifting and the formation of passive margins, GSA Annual Meeting 2011, Minneapolis, USA, October 2011.
Salles T., Duclaux G., 2011. Tellus: A new HPC model based on particle-in-cell technique to investigate stratigraphy evolution, GSA Annual Meeting 2011, Minneapolis, USA, October 2011.
Griffiths C., Dyt C., Huang X., Salles T., Corbel S., 2011. Predicting Rock Properties away from data in Aquifer-hosted Geothermal Projects, West Australian Geothermal Energy Symposium, Perth.
Salles T., Duclaux G., 2010. SedSim model challenges and developments apply to Ore Deposits R&D, IFP Paris, 2010.
Salles T., McGee D., Griffiths C., Ryer M. S., 2010. SedSim modelling of controls on confined mini basin fill by eustatic and halokinetic mechanisms (Gulf of Mexico), symposium ASF, RST 2010.
Salles T., Griffiths C., Dyt C., 2009. Aeolian sediment transport integration in general stratigraphic forward modelling. IAMG Conference, Stanford.
Griffiths C., Dyt C., Salles T., 2009. The 2009 Status of SedSim modelling and future plans. IAMG Conference, Stanford.
Griffiths C., Salles T., Li F., Dyt C., 2009. Using SedSim to predict the response of coastal sediments to climate change in Australia. Climate Change: The environmental and socio-economic response in the southern Baltic region. Poland.
Salles T., 2009. Climate change impact on seabed sediment transport in the Australian exclusive economic zone. Society of Underwater Technology Annual Conference, Perth.
Salles T., Li F., Griffiths C. M., Dyt C. P., Feng M., Jenkins C., 2008. Climate change impact on seabed sediment transport in the Australian Exclusive Economic Zone. Coast to Coast Conference, Darwin.
Salles T., Li F., Griffiths C. M., 2008. Climate change impact on seabed sediment transport all around Australian. ANZIAM Conference Perth.
Eschard R., Teles V., Salles T., Lopez S., 2008. Simulation of the stratigraphic architecture of the PAB turbiditic channels: the additional value of a process-based numerical approach with the CATS model. AAPG, San Antonio.
Teles V., Eschard R., Lopez S., Salles T., 2008. A Process-based Cellular Automata Model for Turbiditic Reservoirs (CATS) Applied to Complex Turbiditic Systems. AAPG, San Antonio.
Salles T., Lopez S., Cacas M.C., Eschard R., Euzen T. , Teles V., Mulder, T., 2007. Cellular Automata Modelling of Turbidity Currents Deposits. AAPG Annual Convention Exhibition, Long Beach.
Salles T., Mulder T., Gaudin M., Lopez S., Cacas M.C., Cirac P., 2007. Simulating the 1999 turbidity current in Capbreton canyon (French Atlantic Coast) using a Cellular Automata model. EGU Vienna.
Salles T., Lopez S., Euzen T., Eschard R., 2006. Integrating basin-scale forcing parameters in density currents process-based modelling. External Controls on Deep Water Depositional Systems; Climate, Sea-Level and Sediment Flux, London.
Granjeon D., Wolf S., Lopez S., Salles T., 2006. 3D Stratigraphic Modelling in Complex Tectonics Area at an Exploration to Reservoir Scale. AAPG Annual Convention, Houston.
Salles T., Lopez S., Cacas M.C., Granjeon D., Mulder T., 2006. Geological Modelling Using Cellular Automata. AAPG Annual Convention, Houston.
Salles T., Cacas M.C., Mulder T., 2005. Modélisation numérique du remplissage sédimentaire des canyons et chenaux sous-marins par Approche Génétique. Congrés ASF (Giens), France.
Mulder T., Callec Y., Joseph P., Robin C., Schneider J.L., Salles T., Allard J., Ferger B., Bonnel C., Cremer M., Ducassou E., Dujoncquoy E., Gaudin M., Hanquiez V., Marchés E., Parize O., Toucanne S., Zaragosi S., 2005. Les dépots de lobes turbiditiques du lac du Lauzanier (Ubaye, France). Congrés ASF (Giens), France.
Salles T., Cacas M.C., Mulder T., 2005. Simulating Turbidity Currents through a Cellular Automata Model. AAPG International Conference, Paris.
Salles T., Cacas M.C., Mulder T., 2004. Cellular automata approach for simulated gravity flows. Modelling of Turbidity Currents and Related Gravity Currents Workshop, Santa Barbara.