Selected Publications

Using our geomorphological model (Badlands) forced with dynamic topography, we investigate the evolution of australian landscape over the last 150 Ma. The models quantify the time dependence of erosion and deposition, as well as the evolution of catchment dynamics, drainage capture and drainage network reorganisation.
Geochem. Geophys. Geosyst.

In this paper we present a landscape evolution model able to simulate erosion, deposition, diffusion and flexure. The code is parallelised based on a sub-catchment partitioning approach. Models of delta stratigraphic evolution under sea-level fluctuations as well as mountain belts topographic evolution with climatic changes showcase the capabilities of the code.
Computers & Geosciences

We present a new numerical approach for simulating geomorphic and stratigraphic processes that combines open-channel flow with non-uniform sediment transport law and semi-empirical diffusive mass wasting. It is designed to facilitate modelling of surface processes across multiple space- and time-scales, and under a variety of environmental and tectonic conditions. In the implementation, the resolution of flow dynamics is made on a triangulated grid automatically mapped and adaptively remeshed over a regular orthogonal stratigraphic mesh. These new methods reduce computational time while preserving stability and accuracy of the physical solutions.

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Sediment Transport

Exploring calcareous sand settling velocity & estimating how it will affect sediment transport for bedload/suspended load using Rouse number


Numerical model of carbonate platform development under changing climatic conditions, 3D stratigraphic geometries and facies evolution

Basin Genesis Hub

ARC Research Hub for Basin Geodynamics and Evolution of Sedimentary Systems connecting “Big Data” analysis and HPC in an open innovation framework


Basin and Landscape Dynamics (Badlands) is a parallel TIN-based landscape evolution model, built to simulate topography development at various space and time scales.


Reflections on my teaching & learning vision for Geosciences are available in my Teaching Portfolio

Part of my teaching can be found @ GeosLearn

B.Sc and M.Sc. teaching experience

Post-graduates short courses

  • Honours Course (2015 - present), Tectonic Geomorphology, University of Sydney,
  • IGC Brisbane 2012 workshop, Practical Stratigraphic Forward Modelling, University of Queensland
  • IAMG San Francisco 2009 workshop, Using Sedsim for Basin Exploration, Stanford University

Honours & Awards

  • 2017: Scientific Mobility Fund, one month visitor scientist as part of the Academia Agreement between Statoil and University of Bergen (Norway).
  • 2016: Scientific Mobility Fund, one month visitor scientist as part of the Academia Agreement between Statoil and University of Bergen (Norway).
  • 2003-2006: IFPEN top-up scholarship (CIFRE), Industry Research grant, ENSPM (France).
  • 2003-2006: ANRT Scholarship, French Ministry of Research funding.
